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hi from orlando
2004-02-07 | 3:49 p.m.
I'm in Orlando right now. my family always visited disneyworld at least once a year until my sixteenth birthday. We usually frequented the same hockney-ish condos, where my dreams were permeated with excessive neon and my unwitting participation in time-share seminars. Once, however, we stayed at this ordinary, regular hotel a few miles away from Disneyworld called Rio Orlando (set this superfluous information aside for now). and I have some incredibly tender memories of my parents, and of nice things that they did, and so it's always been terribly difficult for me to reconcile those moments of genuine delicacy with their indelible fates. before I came here I just made some click-n-go hotel reservation, so imagine my surprise when we pulled up in our rented super-jeep at the very same Rio Orlando of olde. so I sit here with Otisanek the laptop and ghosts, shadowy images of my parents sitting at the same tables and sleeping in the same rooms where I am. we were here, and I am here, and time is the only thing keeping us from being together. hi mom and dad.

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